VAZ 2101, VAZ 2103, VAZ 2105, VAZ-2106 VAZ-2107 - user guide / instruction on repair, maintenance and operation of the vehicle.
In the car repair manuals, written by the factory engineers, material is presented very sparingly, most of the recommended adaptations can be done only this tool work.
The proposed publication, in addition to "classical" methods of repairing automobile engines Zhiguli, outlined a procedure works, which can be done by yourself or with just one helper in the open air or in the garage, where there is at least a bench vise.
Tools and accessories are recommended for use in these conditions, can be easily made from scrap metal. The practical details of which node, as well as recalls that it is necessary to pay attention - to service, repair, replace.
So read it, learn it and do not be afraid to roll up our sleeves and get to the repair of such a complex unit, which is the engine. Then you will see that things are not so scary.
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